Video Overview
A man from Chame describes the legends of two kings according to the history of his region.
- Manang
- SABta taŋpu taŋpu ɦjulउहिले उहिले एउटा गाउँ (थियो)।Long long ago, there was a village.
- SABleŋa tø tʃik taŋ me tʃikमाथि एउटा गाउँ र तल एउटा गाउँ ।There was a village on the top of the hill and one below.
- SABtø kola ʈukume me kola ʈuku meमाथिकोको बच्चा थिएन, तलको पनि बच्चा थिएन ।The person on the top did not have a child, and neither the did the
- SABkhuŋ bərkilə dhene ɦjulniki bərkhilə tʃho tʃhimpu tʃik jøkereउनीहरूको माझमा अनि दुईओटा गाउँको माझमा ठूलो तलाउ (पोखरी) थियो रे।They say that there was a big pond in the middle of their village.
- SABtʃho kola ʃubu ʈhu ɦjõत्यो तलाउमा (बच्चानभएका मानिस) शरिर नुहाउन आए।People without children went there to take a bathe.
- SABdhene ɲikarəla ʃjamlə nikarala ʈuku ketʃe ɦjoba dʒhuʃuŋअनि दुबैलाई पछि दुवैलाई बच्चा जन्मिने भएको भयो।Later both of the two people from the two villages will give birth to
- SABdhene ʈuku ketʃe jøka ləmu dheneअनि वच्चा जन्मिनेवाला भएकोमा अनिAs they were about to give birth to children,
- SABʃula dhene bhidza kena tʃiklə bhidza tʃiklə bhomo keʃuŋ nenaजसलाई अनि छोरा जन्मे एउटालाई छोरा एउटालाई छोरी जन्मेमा जन्म्यो भनेWhoever gives birth to sons, or if one gives birth to a son and
- SABphidzako dhene makpalə bhomolə makpa terke lapti tʃhø duछोरा चाहिँ अनि ज्वाईं छोरीलाई घरज्याईँ भनेर निर्णय (कबुल) गरे।Tthenn they decided that the son will remain in wife's parental house.
- SABdhene jane dhene ʃjamla dheneअनि हुन्छ भनेर अनि पछि अनिAnd they said, 'Okay'.
- SABliŋka ɲjakola liŋkar tjo kola bhidza keमाथिल्लो पट्टिकको गाउँमा चाहिँ छोरा जन्म्यो।Later the one from the upper village had a son.
- SABliŋkər me kola bhomo keतल पट्टिको गाउँमा छोरी जन्मी।A daughter was born for the man from the lower village.
- SABdhene ʃjamlə kho bhidza lo tʃɯʈuk dʒhuŋ gjalamu dhene nama terkoअनि पछि उसको छोरा सोह्र वर्ष भएको बेला अनि बुहारी दिनु ज्वाइँमाAs his son turned sixteen years old, he should become a son-in-law
- SABŋe tilə ŋelə tʃhjo təm ʃjaभनेर पहिले नै कवुल गरेको थियो।He had promised it earlier.
- SABʃamlə lo tɯʈuk sumbəraŋ dhene tʃhaŋbəraŋ makpa ter ɦoŋ makpa terपछि पछि सोह्र पुरा भएर अनि पुगेर घरज्वाईँ (अनि) घरज्वाईँWhen he turned sixteen years old, it was time to become the
- SABɖho kja ləmu dheneजाने बेलामा अनिIt was time to become dependent
- SABŋjamalə jokpu ɲi dzaŋमाथिबाट दुईजना नोकर पठायो।The king sent two servants from up from the upper village.
- SABbhidzako təbulə kəl jjokpu ɲi tʃaŋछोराचाहिँ घोडामा चढाएर दुईटा नोकर सहित पठाए।The son was on the back of a horse and was sent along with two
- SABdhene apaki dheneअनि बाबुले अनिThe father then said,
- SABkhe tabu ʃunतिमी घोडा चढ।'You ride the horse'.
- SABthanka tʃhumbulə təbu ʃun təbulə matʃi tʃeठूलो सम्मो ठाउँमा घोडा चढ, घोडा देखि नडराउनु।Ride the horse. Don't be scared of the horse.
- SABdheneअनि,Then,
- SABwakəl dʒhikpi tʃhulə makalतलपट्टिको डरलाग्दो पानिमा नतर्नु ।Don't cross the river from the lower part of the stream.
- SABphə ɦi phu re(तिमी) बाउको छोरा हौ।You are the son of the father.
- SABdhaŋ dhəriŋ dʏŋka reहिजो आज त्यौङ्का हो।The season is Tynkya.
- SABtʃhulə ghalna tʃhuki kja kereखोला तर्यौ भने खोलाले बगाउँछ।If you wade, the stream will sweep you.
- SABphja miŋʃjal dhene phjage tʃhaŋ jøbəreफ्याउरोजस्तै जनावर नाम गरेको अनि फ्याको गुँड छ।There was a space nest of an animal-like fox Phya.
- SABneʃuŋ ŋenə dhene ta ɦutikoभन्नेनै हो भने अनि वाण त्यो चाहिँIf I say the truth, the arrow in particular,
- SABphjako ɦoktoŋ naŋla ʃuna ʃuʃuŋ nena tako ɦala kherti dukpu nuŋkereफ्या चाहिँ प्वाल भित्र पस्यो भने तिर चाहिँ उता लगेर दुख पाउँछ।If fox enters the hole, the arrow will be with him and we will suffer
- SABta maghjaptʃeतिर नहान्नु।Don't shoot arrow.
- SABŋeləraŋ apaki lappareपहिले नै बाबु चाहिँले भनेको थियो।It was said by the father earlier.
- SABdhene ʃjamla ja neti ʃuŋअनि पछि हुन्छ भनेर गयो।Saying 'okay', he went.
- SABdhene dhuru masine thanka tʃhumpu dhu loअनि यहाँ त्यसैले समथर मैदान छ रे।There was plain land, they said.
- SABtəbu masʏnna masiraŋ kẽ ninkeघोडा नचढी उनीहरूले मान्दै मानेनन्।They did not agree to go without riding the horses.
- SABkhe ninke khuŋ ɲi təbu ʃʏn ʃʏn ɦjaŋ ləpके मान्थे उनी दुईजनाले, घोडा चढ कि चढ भने।How did they agree? They insisted on riding the horses.
- SABtabu ʃʏnघोडा चढ्यो।He got onto a horse.
- SABtabuki tapti maʃi tʃe dʒhuŋघोडाले पछारेर झण्डै मरेन।He nearly died as the horse threw him.
- SABtʃhulə mekalba təbu ʃʏndi tʃhulə ghalke ŋedi minendiपानीमा नतरेर घोडा चढेर पानी तार्ने भनेर नमानेरInstead of crossing the stream, and not agreeing to cross the stream,
- SABtʃhulə ghal nedi mininkeखोलामा तर भन्दा मानेनौ।We did not agree to cross the stream.
- SABghjalbu ʃu tʃhumpuतिमी त राजा बलिया राजा हौ।You are the king.
- SABkhe ghjalpu bidzha reतिमी राजाको छोरा हौ।You are prince (king's son).
- SABʃu tʃhumpu jøʈeतिमी बलिया हौला।You might be strong.
- SABtʃhu ghaldi tʃhuki kjadi bhe sitʃe tʃebəreपानि तर्दा पानिले बगाएर धन्दैले मर्न लाग्यो।He nearly died as the stream nearly swept him away.
- SABɦone ʃjamlə ɦjaŋ ʃjamləत्यस पछि अनि पछिLater, then
- SABphjalə ta ghjap ləp duफ्या लाई तिर हान भन्यो।He shot an arrow to the rabbit.
- SABta meghjap nena minin kar kar taŋdi da ghjap duतिर नहान्ने भनेर नमानेर कर (कर) लगाएर तिर हानेछ।He did not agree to shoot an arrow, and insisting, he shot an arrow.
- SABta ghjapti dhe phjakolə ta ghjapti phjako ɦoktoŋ naŋlə ʃudi ta lipतिर हानेर त्यो फ्याउरालाई तिर हानेर फ्याउरा चाहिँ प्वाल भित्र पसेरAfter shooting an arrow to the rabbit, the rabbit took the arrow with
- SABdhene tako ta taअनि तिर चाहिँ (तिर तिर)As for the arrow,
- SABʃerki tʃhʏn jøbəreतिरको अगाडिको चुच्चोमा हुने तिखो चिज सुनको थियो रे।the point of the arrow was of gold
- SABdhene naŋlə ɖhokja ləmu dhene khuŋ ŋilə ʃuŋ ləptiअनि (प्वाल) भित्र जाने बेलामा अनि दुईजनालाई जाउ भन्यो।In order to go into the furrow, the prince told two men to go into
- SABkhuŋ ɲi ɖho mininउनीहरू दुईजना जान मानेनन्।
- SABkhe ghjalbu bhidzaतिमी राजाको छोरा।You, the son of the king.
- SABkhe ʃubu bholbhu jøʈoतिम्रो शरिर कमलो होला।Your body might be soft.
- SABkheraŋ ʃuʃuŋतिमी पस्न जाउ।You may enter.
- SABkhe ɖhona tharoŋतिमी गए छिर्छौ।You can go.
- SABneni thar meo nini ʈaŋbu bhidzaहामी छिर्दैनौङ , हामी त गरिवको छोरा हौं।We can't go in. We are children of the poor.
- SABʃe tʃe meखाने (कुरा) छैन।There is nothing to eat.
- SABthuŋ tʃe meपिउने कुरा छैन।There is nothing to drink.
- SABʃubo ʂanti tʃi loशरिर सारो (छ) के रे ?You have a small body.
- SABʂanti jøसाह्रो छ।My body is small.
- SABthar ghatrak ghutruk tʃe thar mjo(शरिर घत्राक घुत्रुक नमिलेको भए) भित्र छिर्दैन।Since our body is hard, it can't go in.
- SABkho ŋaŋ ʃubəraŋ khuŋ ɲi wane ɦjala dheneऊ भित्र पसेपछि उ दुई जना तलबाट अनिAfter he has entered, the two of them went down,
- SABkhuŋ ɲiki me tʃo dhubataŋ ɦwane ɦjaləतल बाट आगो सल्काएर धुँवा छोड्यो।They burnt fire and let the smoke come.
- SABta dhuba taŋ sadi naŋləभित्र धुवाँ छोडेरBurning the fire,
- SABdhuba taŋधुँवा छोड्यो।they caused the smoke.
- SABkho naŋlə usuptaŋte ʃi tʃe tʃeउ भित्र निस्सासिएर मर्नै लाग्यो।Having been suffocated, he was about to die inside.
- SABʃi tʃe tʃhebəraŋ ŋaमर्नै लागे पछि मAs he was about to die, he said,
- SABdhene ŋa ŋa lə aba terkeki ta ta jøअनि म म चाहिँ बाले दिएको तिर (तिर) छ।I have an arrow given to me by my father.
- SABtakko ŋalə mokoतिर चाहिँ मलाई चाहिँदैन।I don't need the arrow at all.
- SABkhiraŋlə tertʃhuतिमीहरूलाई दिन्छु।I will give the arrow to you.
- SABkhi dhupa mataŋro tʃelaŋतपाईंहरूले धुँवा नछोडिदिनुस्।Please don't let the smoke come.
- SABɦjãŋ dhene phelam dhupa tʃhe ro taŋअझै अनि फेरी धुवाँ झन ठूलो छोडे।Again, they burnt the greater smoke to them.
- SABŋa apa terkeki təbu təbu jøमलाई बाबाले दिएको घोडा छ।He said, "I have a horse given to me by my father."
- SABtəbu khiraŋja ʃʏn ŋa ʃʏn mokoघोडा तपाईहरूले चढनुस्, मैले चढ्नु पर्दैन।Please ride the horse, I will not ride.
- SABŋa miʃʏn kheraŋja ʃʏn laptiम चढदिन तिमीहरू चढ भनेरI will not ride, you ride instead,
- SABɦotʃəraŋ ŋeti phelam me tʃheroत्यतिमा भनेर फेरि ठूलो आगो बाले।They again burnt the big fire.
- SABtaŋti kəru ɲinke miɲinbə reकहाँ मान्ने मानेनन्।How could they obey ? They didn't obey.
- SABɦone ʃjamlə kho ghonke ghoela jøत्यस पछि उसको लगाउने लुगा थियो।Then he had clothes to wear.
- SABŋa ghoela ŋa ghoela ghatʃe ɦjobuko khila tertʃjoमेरो लुगा मेरो लुगा भएभरको लुगा तिमीहरूलाई दिन्छु।He said, 'I will give you clothes of mine'.
- SABdhene khi ghoela ŋa ghoentʃuअनि तिमीहरूको लुगा मैले लगाउँछु।And then I will wear your clothes.
- SABdhuba mataŋro tʃe ləpti ɦjaŋ mininti dhupa taŋफेरि धुवाँ नछोडिदिनुस् भनेर फेरि नमानेर धुवाँ छोडे।Again, he said, 'Don't let the smoke burn', but he let it burn.'
- SABdhene dhene madʒhuŋna ŋa ghjalpu ghjalpu khi tʃe ghjalpu ŋaअनि अनि नभए म राजा, राजा तिमी गर (होउ), राजा मAnd then otherwie, you become the king.
- SABghjalpu ŋa ʈaŋbu dʒe tʃo lapti lappa reम राजा गरिव बनौंला, गर भनेर भन्यो।I (the king) will become a poor man..
- SABdhene dhi ʃjamlə dhene jaja neअनि पछि आखिरमा पछि हुन्छ हुन्छ भने।And then they said, 'okay, okay'.
- SABdhene ʃjamlə dhupako meko ʃeत्यस पछि धुँवा आएको निभाए।And then they extinguished the fire.
- SABkho phila thʏn khu tʃeउ वाहिर बल्ल बल्ल निस्क्यो।He came out with difficulty,finally.
- SABmaʃi tʃetʃuŋधन्दैले मरेन।He nearly died.
- SABdhene phila thʏn ɦoŋअनि बाहिर निस्क्यो।And then he came out.
- SABdhene khuŋ ɲiko tabu ʃʏnअनि उनीहरू दुई जना घोडा चढे।And then both of them got on the horse.
- SABkhoko təbu ʈhi tʃeti ʃuŋbə reउ चाहिँ घोडा तानेर गरेर गयो।He in particular traveled by pulling the horse.
- SABghoelako khuŋ ɲi ghʏnलुगा पनि उनी दुईजनाले लगाए।Both of them put on the clothes.
- SABta ko khuŋ tao khuŋ kher tʃeʃuŋतिर पनि उनीहरूले बोकेर गए।They also carried the arrow.
- SABdhene malip tʃela ŋjalə kholə tsaŋअलि नपुग्दै पहिले उसलाई पठाए।Then, they sent him there.
- SABtaŋbuपरापूर्व कालमाLong long ago,
- SABtaŋpu ŋelə ghjalpulə bhidza tʃik manameपहिला पहिला राजाको छोरा एउटा मात्र थियो, अरू थिएनन्।long ago, the king had only one son, and there was nobody else.
- SABdhanta ni bhidza ɲi ghjalbu ɲi ʈhuŋ du lap oअहिले त छोरा दुईटा, राजा दुईटा जन्मिनु भएको छ भन है।Now there are two sons. They said, "Tell us that there are two
- SABkedu ne o nedi khola ŋela tsaŋpa reजन्मेको छ भनेर उसलाई अगाडी पठायो।Saying 'two sons were born', they sent him forward.
- SABdhene ghjalbu ghortsala lep kho dheneअनि राजाको आगनमा पुग्यो।Then he reached the king's yard.
- SABkho dhene ke kjapti taŋbu ghjalbu tʃik manani dhanda ghjalbu ʈhuŋ duउ त्यहाँबाट चिच्याएर पहिले एउटा राजा थिए, अहिले दुईटा राजा जन्मिनुThen he said shouting, 'First, there was a king, now two kings have
- SABkhoki dhene ghjalbu ɲi tu lapti wane ke tempə reउसले अनि दुईटा राजा छन् भनेर तलबाट आवाज आवाज निकाल्यो।Again, he siad, 'He shouted saying that there are two sons of the
- SABɦwane njane mala dheneतलबाट, माथि बाट तल अनि।From below, and from above,
- SABɦwa kolə ʃjamlə bhomo ɲi ke duतल पनि पछि दुईटा छोरी जन्मेछन्।Two daughters were also born below (on the other side).
- SABbhomo ʃum dʒhuŋ duतीन ओटा छोरी भएछन्।There were three daughters.
- SABbhomo ʃum naŋlə atʃitʃheʃoko atʃitsheʃjoko ɦonti niतीन ओटा छोरी मध्ये ठूली दिदी आएरAfter the eldest of the three daughters,
- SABtʃju laŋ ɦoŋ ba ketsereपानी लिन आएकि रहिछन्।She had come to fetch water.
- SABɦoŋ te dhene kho lamlə ghu teआएर अनि उ चाहिँ बाटोमा पर्खेर बस्यो।Having come, he sat on the road waiting.
- SABlamla kudi phidza ʈaŋ ʈaŋ laŋ de ɦala lam meterबाटोमा पर्खेर छोरा मान्छे ठिङ्ग्रीङ् उभिएर (केटीलाई जानलाई) बाटो दिएन।As the man stood on the road aimlessly, he did not let the girls go.
- SABkhola dhokri ghjapə reउसले एक लात हानी (केटालाई)।He gave the boy a kick.
- SABkorsa ɦjona kortiʃuŋ korsa mena ghom diʃuŋघुम्ने ठाउँ भए घुमेर जाउ, घुम्ने ठाउँ नभए नाघेर जाउ।He said, "If you have a road going round me, go that way, otherwise,
- SABʃu ghorke ghomdi menʈo ba laptiको घुम्ने, नाघेरै नगईकन भनेरWho will jump? She said.
- SABdhene kho tʃhu kher dheneअनि उसले पानी बोक्यो अनि,Then he carried the water
- SABtʃhu kher ɦõ tʃhuko kharke lə ʃupi ketʃə reपानि लिएर आयो, पानि चाहिँ मुखमा परेको रहेछ।He came carrying the water. The water had fallen into his mouth.
- SABadzi adzi tʃhu ŋaki kharkilə ʃuʃuŋ ʃimʈhoदिदी दिदी पानी मेरो मुखमा पस्यो, (आहा) क्या मिठो।Sister, sister, the water fell in my mouth, oh ! how sweet !
- SABŋeti lə ŋa thuŋke kiभनेर मैले पिउँ किSaying, "Shall I drink it ?"
- SABɦjak thui ŋetilə ŋa pøke laptilə lapəreहाक थुई भनेर मैले पोखुँ भनेर भनेछ।Sneezing(at the same time he spilled water on the ground.
- SABdhene khe ɦak thui laptilə philə jukअनि तिमीले बाहिर फाल भनेर बाहिर फाल।He threw the water outside.
- SABenʈe laptilə ɦone philə jukpa reयसो भनेर त्यहाँ बाट फाल्यो।He threw water outside from there.
- SABɦjaŋ atʃi bərmako ɦoŋ ɦjaŋ atʃi bərmako ɦoŋ atʃi bərmako atʃiफेरि माहिली दिदि आएर फेरि माहिली दिदि आएर फेरि माहिली दिदि(लाई उसले)As the second sister arrived, he said the same thing.
- SABtʃuŋsoko bhomo tʃuŋsoko ɦoŋdi tʃuŋsoko dhene taकान्छी छोरी, कान्छी छोरी आएर, कान्छी छोरी आएर अबThen the younger sister came.
- SABkhe ɦjala laŋ ʈhaŋ ʈhaŋlə ɦjalə laŋतिंमी माथि उठ, ठिङ्ठीङ् माथि उठ (उभिय)।You stand upright, you stand upright.
- SABɦjalə laŋdiमाथि उभिएरHaving stood there,
- SABŋa ni ta ʃetʃeme thuŋ tʃemeम चाहिँ अव खानेकुरा पनि छैन, पिउने कुरा पनि छैन।Now I do not have food to eat, neither do I have things to drink.
- SABlaŋ moko duम उठ्न सक्दिन।I can't stand.
- SABta kheraŋ korsa jøna kortiʃuŋ kosa mena ghomdiʃuŋअव तिमी घुम्ने ठाउँ भए घुमेर जाउ, घुम्ने ठाउँ नभए नाघेर जाउ।He said, "If there is a place go round me, you go that way.
- SABghəru dʒhuŋge khe ghəru ghəru ɖhokəe laकहाँ हुन्छ र नाघेर कहाँ जाने ?How can I go by jumping ? To where ?
- SABkorti ʃuŋbə reघुमेर गई।She went by going around.
- SABɦjaŋ tʃhu laŋdi ɦjalə ɦoŋkja tʃhuko malə pøफेरि पानि लिएर माथि आउँदा पानी तल पोखि।She spilled the water as she came up by carrying the water.
- SABtʃhar tʃhar tʃe kho kharkilə ʃuपानी तप तप चुह्यो, उसको मुखमा पर्यो।The water dripped and fell in his mouth.
- SABnani tʃhukoni ŋaki kahrkila ʃuʃuŋनानि तिम्रो पानी मेरो मुखमा पर्यो। (केटाले भन्यो)Dear one, the water you spilled into my mouth.
- SABŋage ʃimʈhok nekeki ɦak thui ne ke lapti laptilaमलाई मिठो भन्ने कि हाकथुई (नमिठो) भन्ने भन्ने भनेर (केटाले भन्यौ)।The boy said, "Shall I call it sweet or shall I sneeze?"
- SABʃimʈhok lə thuŋ nedilə lapti ʃimʈhok neti thuŋpə reमिठो किसिमले पिउ भनेर भनी, मिठो भनेर (केटाले) पिएछ।She said, "Drink the water tastily".
- SABɲjaləʃuŋ dheneमाथि गयो ।He went up.
- SABkhuŋ ʃeme dhe ghjalpu ʃuŋpukoअर्को उनीहरू अनि तीनजना राजाहरूNext, they, the three kings
- SABkhuŋ ʃumko ŋjalə ʃuŋउनीहरू तीनजना माथि गए।the three of them went up.
- SABʃuimalə ɦoŋ dhene khuŋ ghjalbu ɲibuko ɦjalə kherस्वागत गर्न आए र दुई जना राजा माथि लग्यो।They came to welcome them and took both of the kinds up.
- SABdhene ʃuŋअनि गए।They went.
- SABkho ko ʈaŋbu dzheउ चाहिँ गरिव (पाराले) बस्यो (गर्यो)।As he was poor, he sat there.
- SABkhuŋ ɲiko ghjalbu dzheउनीहरू दुईजना राजा भए।Both of them became the king.
- SABdhene atʃi tʃhjako tʃhja ɲilə ɦodi tʃeअनि ठूला दिदी ठूला दुईजना(को जोडीमिल्यो) गर्यो।Then there was a perfect matching between sisters .
- SABɦotitʃelə dhai jokpu ɲiko ɦotitʃeत्यो गर्यो, दुईजनालाई गर्यो।This happened, and they did it for both of them..
- SABdhene khoko ʈaŋbu tʃeti dheअनि उ आफू चाहिँ गरिव बनेर बस्यो अनि।As for him, he sat there pretending to be a poor man.
- SABkho luk tʃhø ʃuŋउ चाहिँ भेडा चराउन गयो।He went grazing sheep.
- SABluk tʃhø ʃuŋभेडा चराउन गयो।He went to graze sheep.
- SABdhei tʃokʈa ɦjaŋ atʃi tʃhøʃokko lup tʃhø ʃuŋअघि जस्तै फेरि ठूली दिदी चाहिँ भेडा चराउन गई।Just like before, the eldest daughter went to graze sheep.
- SABkho ɦjoŋ luk tʃhø ʃuŋउ सँग भेडा चराउन गई।She went to graze the sheep.
- SABɦulə ʃuŋdi janiउता गएर अनिHaving gone there, then,
- SABluk tʃhø ʃuŋ dheneभेडा चराउन गई अनिshe went to graze sheep, and then
- SABthaŋ tʃhe ŋjal teथकाई लागेर सुत्यो।He slept having been very tired.
- SABadziko ʃik ɖhu laptilə ʃik ɖhupi kei tʃa reदिदी चाहिँलाइ जुम्रा टिपिदेउ भनेर अनि जुम्रा टिपि दिएछ।As he was asked to pick the lions, she picked the lice from the
- SABdhene kho mi tʃju ʃortiअनि उ(सको) आँशु झर्यो।Then the tears rolled down from his eyes.
- SABdha kho dheneअव उ(सले) अनिNow, he said,
- SABlu laŋ bə reगीत गायो।He sang a song.
- SABŋa talo lu laŋtʃi mudzuŋम यो साल गीत गाउन मिल्दैन।(I should not sing this year).
- SABsene lu laŋtʃe ɦjota lu jøनत्र गित गाउने गाउनलाई गित थियो।I had a song to sing if I have to.
- SABkjolu jøbəreदुखमा गाउने गीत छ।I have a song while singing in sad time.
- SABdhene kho dʒhuiko ɦau lə dhenʈe tʃe tiअनि उसको बुद्दि चाहिँ पहिलेको त (यसरी घटना घट्यो) भनेरThen, his mind, it happened.
- SABra tʃø ɖhoekja ləmu tai dheneबाख्रा चराउन जाँदा खेरि अघि अनिWhile grazing the goats,
- SABkholə tukpu taŋke ki rikako thuŋpi ke tʃə reउसलाई दुख दिएको बन देखेको (त्यही) कुरा हो।He was told that he was suffering from what he got in the forest he
- SABthuŋ bəraŋ dhene jok pølla ghjursa hauti riti mareदेखेर अनि नोकर राजा राजा भएको पहाड, उ त्यो चाहिँ हैन ?He said, "Is that the forest where the servant became the king ?"
- SABjok pɯlla ghjursa hauti riti mareराजा भएको पहाड, उ त्यो चाहिँ हैन ?Isn't that the forest where the servant became the king ?
- SABbhidza ghjurpa ɖhosa hau ti riti mareछोरा परिवर्तन भएको पहाड, उ त्यो चाहिँ हैन ?Isn't it the forest where the son changed, isn't that the place ?
- SABdhi laptilə khoki mitʃju taŋpi ke tʃe reत्यसो भनेर उसले आँसु झारेको रहेछ।The tears rolled down saying this, it is known.
- SABdzuŋbəraŋ dhene mitʃju ʃjorभएर आँसु झार्यो।Having done this, the tears rolled down his eyes.
- SABaʃjtʃja bhomoko lu laŋg lu laŋlə tʃi re ɦenʈeआच्या, आईमाई चाहिँ गीत गाउँदा गाउँदै के भयो यस्तो ?Ouch ! The woman thought what happened while singing the songs ?
- SABlu nimpu tʃi du laptilaएकदम मिठो गित के गाएर ।It happened as he sang the beautiful songs.
- SABŋa bhidza semba kjo bi kjo lu re ŋa lu melaŋम(मेरो) छोरा मन दुखको गित हो ।This is the song of a sad song.
- SABम गाउँदिन।I will not sing.
- SABenʈe enʈe lap dzhuuŋdilə ʈa bərkhilə ke duयस्तो यस्तो कुरा भएर पहाडको विचमा जन्मेछ।Having spoke like this, he was born in the middle of the hills.
- SABdhene adzi ra riu tsik ni thumpu tʃiklə duअनि दिदी एउटा बाख्राको बाछ्छा चाहिँ अग्लोमा छ।And he said, 'Sister! There is a baby goat on the top.'
- SABdhene khe tamkoअनि तिम्रो कुराAnd your matter (thing).
- SABdhene adzu ŋa kukur tseti atsi tholə dzhati pap o ja jaअनि दिदि म निहुरिन्छु, दिदी (म) माथि चढेर झार है। अँ अँ।Sister, I bow down. You climb on my back and make me get off.
- SABdhene kho ghukur tseti ra riuko mala papअनि उ निहुरेर बाख्राको पाठा तल झार्यो।And then, she got the baby goat down by bowing down.
- SABloʃuŋ(उ) फर्क्यो।He returned.
- SABdhene nam ɦjaŋdi kjapअनि पानि बेसरी पर्यो।Then it rained heavily.
- SABdhene loʃuŋअनि फर्क्यो।And he returned.
- SABkhaŋpalə ʃuŋघरमा गयो।He went home.
- SABɦjaŋ ŋa ʈoko atʃi parmako mulaफेरि भोलि पल्ट माहिलि दिदी सँगैHe went with the second eldest sister the next day.
- SABatʃi pharmako ɦoŋdi enʈeraŋ laptiमाहिली दिदिसँग यस्तै भनेरSaying the same thing with the second eldest sister,
- SABdhene ɦjaŋ ɦjaŋफेरि अनि अनिAnd again,
- SABpɯn tsi lo ɦjaŋ te ɦjaŋ ʃik ɖuराजा (मालिक) अनि बस्यो अनि फेरि जुम्रा मार्यो।The king sat, and then he killed the lice of the second eldest sister.
- SABpɯm jokla ghjursako reti maniराजा नोकरमा परिवर्तन भएको, त्यो बन हैन र ?In his song he said isn't it the same jungle where the king changed
- SABjokpɯnlə ghjursa ɦəo reti maniनोकर राजा भएको त्यो बन हैन र ?Isn't it the forest where the servant became the king ?
- SABbhidza liu ʃorʃuŋ reti maniछोरा थकिक भयो (भएको) त्यहि पहाड हो, हैन र ?Isn't it the hill where the son was very tired ?
- SABbhidza ɦjoŋda tʃjoʃuŋछोरा थकित भयो।The son was very tired.
- SABɦau reti mane lapti lapə re loत्यो जँगल पहाड हैन र भनेर भनेको थियो रे।He said isn't it the forest , he said it.
- SABɦjaŋ mitʃju tʃa ʃjorpə reअनि अलिकति आँसु खस्यो (झर्यो)।His tears rolled down.
- SABadzujake atʃijaदाईहरू, दिदीहरू।Brothers and sisters.
- SABbharma ju lomako ɦjaŋमाहिली दिदी चाहिँ युलोमा (युलोमा)को पात जस्तै।The second eldest sister is like the leaf of Yuloma.
- SABdhei ɲiʃjoko ʃerloma dzhũʃuŋ dhdandako juloma dʒhũʃuŋअघिको पहिलो चाहिँ सुनौलो पात भयो, अहिलेको चाहिँ युलोको पात।The earlier one was had the golden leaf and the recent one had the
- SABlaŋpəraŋ ɦjaŋ atʃiगाएर अनि दिदीThe elder sister sang
- SABlu nembu du lolaŋ lapə reमिठो गित छ फेरि गित गाउ भन्यो।And said, 'You have a nice song. Sing it'.
- SABɦa dha ŋa bhitʃa ʃempa kjopi kjo lu reअब म छोरा चित्त (मन) दुखेको गीत हो।This is the song of a son's poignant song.
- SABlu melaŋगित गाउँदिन।He said, 'I don't sing'.
- SABŋa lu laŋ meʃe jøमैले गित गाउन जान्दिन।I don't know to sing a song.
- SABɦjaŋ dhene ɦjaŋ lo joŋ tʃhulə joŋअनि फेरि अनि फर्केर आयो, यता आयो।And then after he returned, he came to this side.
- SABɦaŋ ŋaʈoko ɦjaŋ atʃi ʃuŋʃjoko ɦjom ʃuŋ bəreअनि भोलिपल्ट फेरि सानो (कान्छी) दिदी चाहिँ सँगै गएछ।And then next day, he went with the youngest sister (daughter).
- SABatʃi tʃumʃjoko ɦjom ʃuŋti ka dheneकान्छि दिदीसँग गएर पो अनिHaving gone with the youngest sister and then
- SABte maɲinबस्न मानेन।He didn't agree to sit.
- SABɦjã ɦjãअनि अनिAnd then, and then
- SABta ɦjaŋ kho ɦarken riko thuŋअब अनि उ पारि बन देख्यो।He saw a forest across from him.
- SABɦjaŋ ʃempa kjo ɦjaŋ ʃeŋpa kjo lu laŋdiअनि फेरि मन (चित्त) दुख्यो, अनि दुखको गित गाएरHe was sad, and then having sung the sad song,
- SABdheneअनिand then,
- SABjokpɯnlə ʃjorʃa ɦoti riti mareनोकर राजा भएको उ पारी बन हैन र ?He said isn't it the forest where the servant became the king ?
- SABpɯnlə jokla ʃjorʃuŋ ɦoti riti mareनोकर राजा भएको उ पारी बन हैन र ?Isn't that the forest where the servant became the king ?
- SABbhitsa ljubu ʃorʃuŋ ʃorʃuŋ ɦəudi ridi maneछोराको शरिर सवै भयो (समर्पण भएको), उ पारी बन हैन।Isn't it the forest across there where the body of a son surrendered ?
- SABtʃilo bhitsa ɦwakta ʃorʃuŋ ɦouti riti mameके रे ? छोरा थकित (थाकेर केही गर्न नसक्ने) भयो त्यो पारि बन हैन ?What is ? Isn't it the forest across there where the son became tired
- SABatʃi ʃerlo mala ʃerki ʃertop jø doसुनौलो दिदीलाई सुनकै औंठी छ है।There is a golden ring for Sunaulo sister, you know.
- SABatʃi julo mala juki ʃorto jø do(माहिली) युलो दिदीलाई युकै औंठी छ है।The second eldest sister has the ring of Yul gem.
- SABatʃi dhuŋ lomala dhuŋki ʃorto jø doधुङ्लोमा (कान्छी)लाई धुङ्को औंठी छ है।The youngest daughter has the ring of Dhunglo (shell).
- SABdhorto mendu khoma naŋlə mutʃu jøजुर्ने अवसर नभएको (नभएर) झोला भित्र हालेको छैन।It has not been kept in the bag because there is no auspicious time
- SABdhjai ŋema hodi laptʃeko ɖhempa tse duअघि पहिले त्यो भन्नै भुलेछु।I forgot to tell it before.
- SABhenʈe lapə reयस्तो भनेको थियो।It had happened like this before.
- SABɦenʈe lapəraŋ dheneयस्तो भनेर अनि,Saying like this again,
- SABdha lu laŋdi lu ɦjaŋdi nempu dʒhuŋ laptiत्यस्तो मीठो गीत गाएर हामीलाई निकै खुसी लाग्यो भनेरSaying having sung the song like that, we found it very sweet,
- SABŋa ʃempa kjobi kjo lu re lapti lapə reम(मेरो) साह्रै मन रोएर गाएको गीत हो भनेर भन्यो (भनेछ?)।He said, 'This is the song that touched my heart'.
- SABkho lu laŋbə taŋ bhomokoउसले गीत गाउँदा केटीलेAs he sang the song,
- SABghjupu ghjupu khoma loŋ bə reछिटो छिटो झोला खोतली।she searched for it in the bag.
- SABdhene dhe khomako thoŋpa reअनि अनि त्यो झोलालाई देखेको थियो।Then he had seen that bag.
- SABdhene thoŋpa raŋअनि झोला देखेरThen, having seen the bag,
- SABkho ghola ʃerki ralpa tʃokʈaउसको टाउकोमा सुनको डल्लो कपाल (थियो)।he had a ball of gold hair in his head.
- SABʃerke ralpa tʃokʈa rukruk tʃeसुनको डल्लो कपाल जस्तो कपाल फैलाएको गर्यो।He spread the hair of gold.
- SABʃer ʃer ŋul ju dzhuru muti tʃokʈaसुन सुन चाँदी मुगाको विचको (यु) मोति एउटै (थियो)।As for the gold, there was only one diamond in the middle of Muga.
- SABɦwe tʃhip tʃhip thuŋ baraŋप्रकास(ले) झलमल्ल देखेपछिHaving seen it shining because of light,
- SABapake dhene latʃja tʃhjar ʃjabə reबाले अनि लाहाले टाँसीदियो।His father stuck it with sealing wax.
- SABdhene ʃjamlə ɲima nam manima ghjapत्यस पछि घाम पानि वेसरी पर्यो।Then, there was shing of sun and heavy raining.
- SABnam manibə ghjap bəraŋ dhene atʃi tsi loपानि वेसरी परेर अनि दिदी के रे ?Having the heavy rain fell, then what is it?
- SABnam ɦjaŋdi ghjapəraŋ dhene dheneपानि वेसरी परेर अनि अनिHaving the rain fell heavily, and then,
- SABbhomoko dhene kho ɦjulआइमाई अनि उसको गाउँThe woman and his village,
- SABbhidzako dheneछोरा चाहिँ अनिAs for the son and then,
- SABgholə tshudʒhare nedi dheneटाउकोलाई पानि चुहेको भनेर अनिHaving said that the water dripped from the hair, and then,
- SABbhidza nam kjapti bhidza bhaŋdi ɦjaŋdi bhidza bahaŋdi ɦjalasjoछोरा पानि वेसरी परेर छोरा भिजेको वेसरी छोरा (केटो) भिजेको माथि आउ।Having got wet, the son said, 'You come up'.
- SABʃo lapdilə khoआज भनेर ऊHe said, 'Come'
- SABkho kho thempa lə khuŋ ja ʈhi tholaउ चाहिँ (लाई) ढोकामा उनीहरू गद्दि माथि (बसे)।He in particular, they sat on the throne.
- SABɦjalə ɦjala bhidza ɦjalə ʃo lapə reमाथि माथि छोरा माथि आउ भन्यो।He said, 'You come up'.
- SABɦjan ɦjartse hoŋफेरि अलि माथि आयो।He came up.
- SABɦjaŋ phelaŋ bhidza malə mate ɦjala ʃjoअनि फेरि छोरा तल नबस माथि आउ (भनेर भन्यो)।He again said,'Son, you don't sit below, come up.
- SABɦjaŋ khe lompalə mate ɦjaləsoअनि तिमी चिसोमा नबस, माथि आउ।Now you don't sit in the cold, come up.
- SABɦjaŋ ɦjalə sjoj nei ʃjamakoफेरी माथि आउ भनेर त्यसपछिHaving said, 'You come up', then
- SABgho ladzjako tsa ʃuiti dhene sertaŋ mul tak thʏnटाउकोको लाहा अलि पग्लेर अनि सुन र चाँदी सवै निस्क्यो।Having melted the wax on his head, all the gold and silver came out.
- SABdhene dhene sjamla dhene dheneअनि अनि पछि अनिAnd, later then
- SABkhoki aba amalə dhene lapəreउसले बा आमालाई अनि भन्यो।He said to his parents then.
- SABkhoki dhene ʃerdu khoki lap kəre lula lu enʈe laŋ duउसले अनि सुन छ उसले भन्यो, गीतमा यस्तो गायो रे।He said, 'There is gold, he sang it in his song.'
- SABkho enʈe tseti dhukpu ɲuŋsul du dheneउ यस्तो गरेर दुख पाएको रहेछ, अनिHe had suffered like this, and then
- SABghjalpu ŋotoko kho tsikraŋ ɦindeसाँचो (वास्तविक) राजा उही चाहिँ रहेछ।He was in fact the real king.
- SABdhene kho gholə te kho gholəअनि उसको टाउकोमा हेर उसको टाउकोमाLook at his head, on his head,
- SABghanʈe du ŋedi ʃjamlə abakoकस्तो छ भनेर पछि बाबु चाहिँ
- SABdhene te kja ləmu kho gholə ɦoetshipअनि हेरे पछि उसको टाउकोमा चम्कियो।Having seen it, something)shone on its head.
- SABdhi bhidzadi ʃerni ʃerdu ɲulni ɲul duयो केटोलाई सुनमा सुन छ, चाँदीमा चाँदी छ।For this boy, there is both gold, and silver.
- SABɦira moti ɦoe tship tship dʒhuŋ bəraŋहिरा मोति चमक चमक भएरHaving the diamond and pearl shining,
- SABdhene abako ɦi tsheti kholə ʈibəreअनि बाबुलाई विश्वास भएर उसलाई सोध्यो।The was father confident, he asked him.
- SABʈi dhene dhene dheneसोध्यो अनि अनि अनिHe asked, and then
- SABdhene ŋa ŋoto reअनि म साँच्चै राजा हुँ (भन्यो उसले)।And then I am really the king.
- SABdhene khuŋ ɲi ŋalə dhene phjalə da ghjap lap tuअनि उनीहरू दुईजनाले अनि फ्या (लोखर्के)लाई तिर हान भने।And both of them said to head towards the rabbit (Phya).
- SABta ghjaptilə phjako ʃə naŋlə ʃuʃuŋतिर हानेर फ्याको जमिन भित्र पसे।Having shot, they went into the land of Phya.
- SABʃa naŋlə ʃubəraŋ khuŋ ɲini tʏn mukhu laptuजमिन भित्र पसेर उनी दुईजनाले निकाल्न सक्दैनन भने।They said they could not take it out having gone into the hollow
- SABŋa tʏn ɖhokja khuŋ ɲiki ŋalə dhupa taŋdiləम निकाल्न जाँदा उनीहरू दुईजनाले मलाई धुवाँ छोडेरHaving gone there to take it out, both of them,
- SABŋa pe sidze taŋstse ʃjoʃuŋम धन्दैले मर्न लाग्ने बनाए (उनीहरूले मलाई)।They nearly made me kill it.
- SABdzhuŋbəraŋ dhene ŋaki dheneभएर अनि मैले अनिHaving become so, then
- SABkhu ɲi dheneअनि उनीहरू दुई जनाand then both of them,
- SABpompu kheraŋ tse ghjalpu kheraŋ tseनेतृत्व पनि तपाईँले लिनुस्, राजा पनि तपाईँ हुनुस्They said, 'you take the responsibility and also be the king'.
- SABghoela kheraŋ kʏn ŋa tabu khiraŋ sʏn ŋeti lapti dheneलुगा पनि तपाईँहरूले लगाउनुस, मेरो घोडा पनि तपाईँहरूले चढनुस् भनेरYou also wear the clothes, and you also ride my horse.
- SABɦenʈe tseti ŋa lapko thuʃuŋयस्तो भएर मैले यस्तो भन्नु पर्यो।I have to say this.
- SABdhene ɦone ɦala khuŋ ghjalbu tse ŋa jokpu tseअनि त्यहाँ बाट उनीहरू राजा भए, म नोकर भएँ।And then afterwards, they became the king, and I became the servant.
- SABdhene ghjalbulə sebəraŋअनि राजालाई भनेरAnd then, saying this to the king,
- SABɦone ɦala ghjalbuki phelaŋत्यहाँ बाट राजाले फेरिafter that the king again,
- SABdhene dhukpu taŋdiअनि दुख दिएरand then causing them suffering,
- SABʃeme jokpu jokpulə raŋ ʃjaअर्को नोकर नोकरमै राख्यो ।the next servant became the servant again.
- SABtəi ʈaŋʈuk jokpu jokpulə ʃjaअघि, गरिब केटा नोकरमै राख्यो।Before, the poor boy was kept as the servant.
- SABdhene kho ghjalburaŋ dʒhuŋbəreअनि उ राजा नै भयो।And then he became the king.
- SABghjalburaŋ dʒhuŋअनि राजा नै भयो।And he became the king.
- SABdhene tʃheme ɦjullaअनि अति नै गाउँमाAnd then in Chame village.
- SABlo japutsuŋ sem netseबालिनालि राम्रो भयो, मनले चिताए जस्तो,The crops grew well, it was as expected.
- SABdʏnto ɦjullə tsheme kipu dʒhuŋबालिहरू गाउँमा अति खुस भए (सुख पाए)।The crops became good.
- SABʃempa ŋetswe tʏda ɖupमनले चिताए जति काम बन्यो।Every work was like as they expected.
- SABɦotseraŋ reयति नै हो।This is all.
- SABŋa ɬakpa reम लाक्पा हुँ।I am Lhakpa.